Columbia Pictures has released a full movie trailer for the new Adam Sandler comedy Grown Ups. The film stars Chris Rock, Kevin James, David Spade, Rob Schneider, Salma Hayek, Steve Buscemi, Maria Bello, Gary Busey and David Spade, and is directed by Dennid Dugan, the filmmaker behind of some of Sandler’s earlier films like Happy Gilmore and Big Daddy, but who recently has been responsible for some comic clunkers like I Now Pronouce You Chuck & Larry, and You Don’t Mess with the Zohan. Does this movie look any better? When I posted an earlier teaser trailer, I commented that is felt like:
“a fairly generic comedy, even more so than the recent Sander efforts. It looks like Almost makes you wish that Sandler was still making second rate romantic comedies with Drew Barrymore again. You know, when they at least featured a few good jokes. And what is that on Kevin James’ face? That can’t be a beard, is it”
And this trailer isn’t much better. Watch the full trailer after the jump, and leave your thoughts in the comments ago.
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