DreamWorks Animation has debuted a short 45-second teaser trailer for their next new movie Megamind, formerly known as Oobermind and Master Mind before that. Due out in November of this year, Megamind features the voice talents of Will Ferrell (as Megamind), Brad Pitt (as Metro Man), Tina Fey and Jonah Hill. Similar to Universal's Despicable Me, the focus is not on the hero this time, but on the villain, who is voiced by Ferrell and looks like a blue-skinned idiot. This looks really awful. I don't like the voices, the characters, or the trailer at all. But at least it's a bit better than the Despicable Me trailers, I guess. Check it out below.
Watch the teaser trailer for DreamWorks Animation's Megamind:
You can also watch the first Megamind teaser in High Definition on Yahoo
A satirical take on superhero movies, in which a notorious villain loses his oomph after he accidentally kills his nemesis Metro Man. Megamind is being directed by DWA's own Tom McGrath, of both Madagascar and Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa previously. The script was co-written by first-time writers Alan J. Schoolcraft and Brent Simons. This will be DreamWorks Animation's third feature film this year following How to Train Your Dragon in March and Shrek Forever After in May. Paramount will be releasing Megamind in theaters everywhere starting on November 5th this year. Anyone planning on seeing it or just skipping it instead?
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