It's been well over a year since Bruce Willis was officially attached to the big screen adaptation of the video game Kane & Lynch, and we haven't heard much about the project since then. However, screenwriter Kyle Ward recently updated his Twitter page saying: 'Done deal… Jamie Foxx is in,' before clarifying it was for Kane & Lynch and not the other forthcoming video game adaptations he's working on: Uncharted or the Hitman sequel. However, as seems to be the trend lately with industry impacting Twitter updates, the Tweet has since been removed, but luckily THR's Heat Vision has already confirmed the leak as accurate.
In case you don't recall, Kane and Lynch is a dark and gritty drama featuring two men: Kane (Willis) is a flawed mercenary and Lynch (Foxx) is a medicated psychopath. Forced together on a violent and chaotic path of redemption and revenge, no action is considered too harsh as this volatile partnership is pushed beyond reason. Of course, this all sounds really frickin' intense, but so did the premises for video game adaptations like Max Payne, and we all know how that turned out. We also don't need another Miami Vice.
Video game movies have always been a sore spot for audiences and gamers alike because they never seem to capture the essence of what made the game so fun to play (which in reality, is simply controlling a character through the story itself and cannot really be duplicated in theaters) or crafting a captivating enough story for viewers to really sink their teeth in. Since it's been so long since the Bruce Willis announcement, I'm hoping that he's still attached. Though I'm definitely interested to see how Foxx and Willis work together, I'll need to see a trailer before I actually get excited for this. Any gamers out there looking forward to this?
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