1 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

Kick-Ass Interviews: Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman

Kick-Ass Interviews: Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman: "


After the break you’ll find my interviews with Matthew Vaughn, director and co-writer of Kick-Ass, and Jane Goldman, his collaborator in adapting Mark Millar’s original comic books into a movie screenplay. The interviews are spoiler free, though we do talk around a few key plot points.

As well as talking Kick-Ass, Matthew confirms that he’s planning another movie with Mark Millar and Jane tells us just a little about other upcoming films that she has scripted. Mainly, though, we have a good chat about this current movie, which is getting its general release on March 31 across the UK and April 16 across the US.

Read the rest of this post on SlashFilm.com…

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